At Grappler Inc., we believe a simple life can be a really good life. With all that goes on in the world today, if Grapplers makes life less complicated for our customers, then we have done our job. All of our products are made with our customers in mind. We aim to identify a problem and create a product that is the solution.
The Grappler pick-up tool was made for many reasons; two of them were to help make cleaning up faster and more efficient and to help people who have physical limitations to reach and grab objects in hard-to-reach places when they need them. It is a way to enable independence and reassurance for those who might be challenged by physical limitations.
We are known to have the strongest pick-up tool on the market, and all of our products are manufactured right here in the United States. We’ve sold thousands of reach extension and commercial grade litter pick-up tools since starting the business in 1992!
By listening to our customers’ concerns and focusing on providing superior quality products, we’ve managed to achieve our continued success. Our customers give us bragging rights when they tell us how they are using our Grappler pick-up tool to make their lives easier.
Useful for people who are disabled, wheelchair-bound, or recovering from surgery
Here at Grappler, Inc., we rest well at night knowing we have developed a product that actually helps people who are coping and/or adapting with disabilities or who are recovering from surgery. One user took time to write:
“Just a note to let you know what a wonderful tool the Grappler is. I purchased a Grappler approximately a month ago in anticipation of my Spinal Surgery. I am not able to bend for the next 6 months. This tool absolutely has saved my life. It is not like any other grabber tool on the market. It picks up everything and is absolutely amazing. I plan on using it even after I am healed and able to bend. Thank you so much for a wonderful product.”
We are so happy to hear our customer’s reviews and that our product is coming to their aid in a time of need. Some of us can only imagine what it’s like to recover from spinal surgery and have to continue picking things up and grabbing items off the shelf. However, many of our customers know first-hand how helpful the Grappler tool can be after a significant surgery, especially if the patient has been advised not to bend over or down at all.
The goal of our Grappler tool is to alleviate the repetitiveness of bending over to pick up objects, helping to reduce body pain. We also want our customers to feel independent, especially in their own homes. With the Grappler by your side, you do not have to wait for friends or family members to grab items off of a high shelf or to get fallen objects in hard-to-reach places. You will be able to use the Grappler extension reach tool on your own without having to depend on other people.
Using the Grappler during a community clean event
The Grappler is perfect for picking up trash at a community event. With our tool, you will not be one of the volunteers, with gloves on, bending down to pick up disgusting discarded items — sticky soda cans, old smelly potato chip bags, and small pieces of litter like straws. Instead, you will be the one quickly and efficiently picking up trash using your lightweight, aluminum Grappler pick-up tool—no dirty hands while and after doing dirty work. Other participants will be amazed at how fast and effortlessly you will be able to clean your assigned area and help with theirs. One user wrote:
“I recently acquired one of your 33- inch long Grapplers and The Handler for use around my house. This last weekend our church had a day of service where we went and cleaned up a nearby park. I brought them both along because I knew they would help me greatly.
What I did not expect was the reaction from all of the other people doing service with me. While everyone was bending over, picking up pieces of paper, used water bottles, leftover paintball gun parts, etc. I was quickly and easily reaching both large and small items (sometimes extremely small!) with ease and saving my back in the process.” – Kelly S., Sparks Nevada
You see, the Grappler is perfect for community clean-up projects. We are sure many of the volunteers went home and purchased a Grappler after seeing Kelly use her pick-up tool.
Another one of our customers used the Grappler to pick up thousands of beer cans, bottles, and other debris left around the Salt River Park in Mesa, Arizona.
“By the end of this adventure, I was completely sold on the tool, and in spite of buying several other cheaper and lighter products over the years, I have found the Grappler to be durable and well suited for picking up not only debris, but also firewood pieces weighing up to twenty pounds, and small items that were out of reach and even major litter such as discarded car tires filled with sand and floating hazards such as large pieces of Styrofoam, gas cans, and construction materials thrown away by litterers in four states.” – Julie J.
Julie still uses her Grappler almost every day and notes that it’s still very durable and in great shape. So as you can see, we have the best customers on the planet. We love reading the reviews and learning how our tools are helping people every day! We know we make a fantastic product that has been tested and proven to last long, but it is the testimonials from our customers that validate that results. Our customers believe in our tool so much that many buy more than one to keep for themselves or give to a family member or friend. Now that’s a product you can trust! You don’t have to take our word for it; we have tons of customer reviews on our website and Facebook page. Or you can try our tool first hand for yourself and see how quick and easy reaching and retrieving objects with the Grappler can be!